Skyline Trail Update

The Skyline Trail Project is moving along nicely with 2.5 miles finished on the western side from Ferrins, and on the eastern side from Game Creek there is 2.5 miles of rough trail done with the first .75 miles finished.  This past week we had 4 crews working on the trail, the Montana Conservation Corp crew out in front clearing the corridor and removing deadfall and brush, Dane behind them cutting bench with the trail machine, and a group from Wilderness Adventures working with the Friends of Pathways Youth Trail Crew working on finishing the tread and the back cut and out slope of the trail.  Our hope is with good luck and no rocky sections hiding just under the surface, that we will have a rough connection made by the end of the month and will continue with finishing work on the trail into the fall.  The biggest thing the trail needs right now is rain so cross your fingers and do some rain dancing.  Thanks to everyone who has helped with the trail so far, we wouldn’t be this far along without all of your support!

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